First Nations Design Principles in Architecture and Building

First Nations Design Principles in Architecture and Building

First Nations Design Principles in Architecture and Building

While the recognition and importance of First Nations culture and connection to Country is a growing presence in Planning, Design and Architecture in Australia, there is still much more for designers to learn on how to work with and respond to First Nations culture and heritage, responsibly, appropriately and respectfully when undertaking projects?
This webinar will assist Architects, and design and construction professionals, to gain a greater awareness of how to engage meaningfully and work side by side with First Nations people in the design or projects and places.
Incorporating First Nations knowledge and culture in the design of infrastructure and built environment projects helps create strong and culturally respectful relationships with First Nations people and communities. This in turn generates meaningful opportunities for people, businesses and communities across project lifecycles.

At this webinar, WSP’s Indigenous Specialist Services team and Dr Shaneen Fantin of POD (People Oriented Design) in Cairns will discuss:

  1. How designers are involving and working in collaboration with First Nations clients, consultants and local communities.
  2. How First Nations people are leading projects that engage with identity, Country and culture, and
  3. How designers are ensuring outcomes that are appropriate in terms of a contemporary and living expression of First Nation identity. Alan Murray (Yorta Yorta) Principal - Aboriginal Affairs, WSP (Aust & NZ) and Michael Hromek (Yurin) Technical Executive - Indigenous Design, Architecture and Knowledge, WSP (Aust & NZ) (Yurin) will present project case studies, including the Level Crossing Removal Project in Kulin Nation Country, Melbourne, where ancient song lines, stories and deep understandings of Country are informing cultural outcomes within the construction of this important infrastructure.

Allan and Michael's presentations will closely look at the importance of incorporating Indigenous knowledge and culture in the designs of infrastructure and built environment projects to create strong and culturally respectful relationships with Indigenous communities and connection to Country.

Shaneen’s presentation will summarise the key principles she has learnt from 25 years of working alongside First Nations people in the NT, QLD, NSW, Pacific and Canada through specific case studies of housing, community and health projects. Her presentation focusses on process, intercultural design practice, leadership and economic opportunity and development for First Nations people.